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Perplexity Announces AI-Powered Web Browser Comet

Perplexity Announces AI-Powered Web Browser Comet

Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered search engine Perplexity AI is planning on launching its own web browser. The company said in a post on X on Monday (Feb. 24) that the browser, dubbed Comet, was “coming soon,” and invited people to sign up on a waitlist in...

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78% of US eMerchants Want to Improve Checkout Experience

78% of US eMerchants Want to Improve Checkout Experience

Middle-market merchants are focusing on improving the checkout experience to better serve customers and improve conversion rates. According to a PYMNTS Intelligence report, “U.S. Merchants Want Help From PSPs on Make-or-Break Checkout to Boost Conversion,” in...

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60% of UK Merchants Request One-Click Checkout

60% of UK Merchants Request One-Click Checkout

For online merchants — no matter in which country they operate, no matter what they are selling — there are two sides to what might be called the eCommerce coin. There’s the user experience on one side, which leads to conversion. Then there’s the other side of...

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